Capcom has just released Monster Hunter World Update 3.0 for both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms. Update 3.0 will roughly about 1.2GB of free space for both platforms. The update will include a new type of quest called Sieges, for the game and a new Elder Dragon called Kulve Taroth. You can find the fella at this new area called the Caverns of El Dorado which is described ” as a peculiar network of caverns shaped and influenced both by the Everstream and the minerals that Kulve Taroth has collected over the years.” by Capcom.
Sieges are limited time events which allows up to 16 players. Players will be divided into teams of four and you have to work together and hunt the same monster.However, the first Siege will coincide with the release of update 3.0 and won’t be available in the game for very long. Capcom says it will return again at a later date.
Check out the trailer.
I have to say Kulve Taroth does look pretty cool and very gold. The fella is so gold that old Indian aunties would probably try to wear it than hunt it. Just saying.
You can check out the official Monster Hunter website for the full patch notes.