One of the longest mech franchise, Gundam is back with a new treat to all the fans. From the famous Gundam Wing series, to the latest Iron-Blood Orphans, this game covers the majority of the Gundam franchise allowing you to witness the story in this engaging turn-based strategy game.
Each campaign varies from length to the choices of Gundam you get to choose. So pick your favorite universe and sink in!
Most of your units moves independently, but if they move together, they get stronger and you can team up to 3 of your ally at once per turn if they are around the same cell block.
Morale system is a good take on the game. Any of your ally who is doing a ton of damage over a few turns, they gain morale and can begin landing critical hits with every attack.

The game can get quite taxing to your brain because it requires A LOT of thinking and properly strategize your moves. Remember, save your game often, I’ve had one play that I was completely wiped out by the enemy and I had to start from the BEGINNING. Yes I said BEGINNING. Even if you venture pass a few phases in any of the same mission.
Some tougher enemies are like a side objective. If you manage to destroy them, you’ll gain special abilities from that particular unit.
There are A LOT of Gundams to level up. And I mean A LOT. Imagine each universe have at least 5-10 Gundams, multiply that to more than 5 universe. You do the math 😛
You can spend almost the whole day customizing your own troops and making the best strategy for your next battle.
But if you’ve never watch any of the Gundam universe before, you will be a quite confused with the story, units and also the lingo they speak. I’d say one of the unfortunate feature about this game is that it lacks tutorial. It explains only some mechanics at the beginning of the game.

– Gundam galore, tons of unit for customisation
– A story that is being told in a turn-based RPG path
– Battles are interesting yet challenging
– Animation may be a bit too simple and repetitive
– Not for players who doesn’t know about Gundam universe
All in all, 7/10 rating! Totally enjoyed it.
Review done by Zeon.