If you’re playing the Horde faction for World of Warcraft’s latest expansion Battle for Azeroth, you might be one of the many people lamenting over why Sylvanas is acting like a siao chabor, going around disturbing the peace and, more notably, burning trees. Even her actions are making BFFs Saurfang and Baine Bloodhoof buay tahan.
At best, she’s being compared to Garrosh. At worst, parallels are being drawn between her and Grand Apothecary Putress (remember the fella that went YOLO at Wrathgate?).
Deep down inside, maybe Sylvanas is just misunderstood.
So here are 4 reasons why we think Sylvanas isn’t that jialat.
1) Co-existence is impossible.
Let’s face it, the races on Azeroth were always divisive. Before the Orcs even so much as farted at the Dark Portal on Draenor, Azerothian natives were already happily whacking each other. The Dwarves split up into 3 factions and went into a 3-way fight. Humans from Arathor, split up into 7 different kingdoms. Migrant elves from Kalimdor swam over to Lordaeron and ended up fighting the Trolls because of all places, they die die must found Quel’Thalas on Troll property.
Anyway you get the picture lah.
Sylvanas being ex-elven military commander navy seal commando pew pew, would be familiar with all this. The constant recurring theme of war and people dying, punctuated by short period of supposed co-existence. Chances are, being Forsaken has given her a new perspective. That lasting peace can only be achieved by eradicating the other faction.
I think Azeroth really needs Racial Harmony Day.
2) Undead is love, Undead is life.
We know that The Forsaken are a dying race (lol, like literally) because they cannot procreate. We also know that Sylvanas would do anything for her people (kind of). So all this is a grand master-plan to rejuvenate The Forsaken. Maybe Undercity also needs 6.9 million population to maintain their GDP? Immigration from Orgrimmar is not practical. All that neon green water in Undercity, walau how to drink?
3) Azerite power grab = Horde survival.
The Alliance is currently more powerful in terms of military might and resources. The Horde has gone through several upheavals, like the siege of Orgrimmar, and have not fully recovered. In Legion, the main force of attack was seen to be carried out by Alliance heroes. The Army of the Light were also lead by a bunch of Alliance Ah Peks. The Horde were basically covering support. From this, you can tell that the Alliance is seebei powerful.
So imagine if the Alliance gets most of the Azerite, and the Alliance decides to change it mind and come after the Horde. No one knows for sure if Anduin can control his people. The Horde confirm up the lorry if that happens.
It’s not difficult to imagine that Sylvanas thought of this. So to her, making this power grab for Azerite will even the distribution of power between the 2 factions. One for the Horde will mean one less for the Alliance.
4) Sylvanas is an emo messiah.
She believes that life is a curse. By destroying life and raising the dead as The Forsaken, she frees them from suffering. No need to eat so can save lots of money. No need to sleep so can play all the games. If no one comes to chop your head, you can also live quite a long time. Actually, sounds like a pretty good deal leh!