Bethesda is well and truly on a roll. Delivering another gameplay video, Fallout 76 introduces nukes to the game. That’s right, nukes. It wasn’t enough that the land was bombed to hell and back. Now players can go out and use these bombs again. This world confirm mati liao sia.
To get a hold on these nukes, it looks like players would first have to secure the nuclear launch codes. From the trailer, the players managed to find one part of the code from a military soldier turned ghoul. While it may be tough to secure all the launch codes, it seems like you can band up with other players to compile the launch codes together.
With the launch codes completed, it is now possible to launch nukes on any other unsuspecting players. You can bomb their base to bits. Or bomb random areas for the lols, because why not hor? After bombing a base, you can then loot the area for precious materials.
The power of the nukes look quite op sia. But I’m pretty sure Bethesda balanced it so that it would be hard to find … I hope. Looks like we just have to wait and see in-game.