Shape of the World launches on 5th June 2018
Shape of the World launches on 5th June 2018 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Shape of the World launches on 5th June 2018 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Shenmue III has been delayed a second time until 2019.
Wizard of Legend by Continget99 has been released.
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time launched yesterday.
Kingdom Hearts III has an invitational premiere event this week along with the release of first impressions.
The developers of Destiny 2 are pretty cool dudes. They had put in a Destiny 2 puzzle that led to ...
Agony's story trailer has been released and the game will be launched on 29th May.
"The Broken Alliance" , Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock's next major expansion is being released soon.
Blizzard has teamed up with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and Twitch and released a limited time Pink Mercy skin ...
The Kabounce launch trailer was just released by Stitch Head Entertainment.
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