Boston Uprising sets new record in Overwatch League
Boston Uprising manages to set a new record in the Overwatch League for remaining undefeated in Stage 3.
Boston Uprising manages to set a new record in the Overwatch League for remaining undefeated in Stage 3.
13 people have been arrested for creating hacks for Overwatch.
Sakura joins Monster Hunter: World, bringing new items and cosmetics.
The newest Overwatch map has been released. Rialto is an escort map located in Italy.
The game-play demo for Detroit: Become Human has been released.
Taki returns to the Soul series in Soulcalibur 6.
List of free games in the PlayStation Store (May)
The latest Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer is released.
Season 4 of Fornite introduces meteor and superhero theme.
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